Monday, February 25, 2013

Free Schools for Troubled Teens

Parents are not at all happy to see their children destroying their own lives. Troubled teens often find success through a structured, emotional growth in a school environment. Therefore parents send their children to boarding or military style schools where all the programs are designed to help the troubled teens. But, it can be difficult for the family to have a teen move to a boarding or military school facility. As a result, many parents choose the service of alternative schools, such as free schools for troubled teens.

Free schools for troubled teens are non-hierarchical, non-institutional forms of learning which share skills, information and knowledge on a community basis. A free school for troubled teens has programs specially designed to assist the troubled teens to receive an education. In general, a free school is an attempt of individuals who act collectively and autonomously to generate educational opportunities and skill-sharing within their communities.

These free schools are dedicated to social change through free education and community building. They encourage self-reliance, critical consciousness, and personal development, living connections between themselves and their community. A free school often operates without any business propositions. The schools usually have no single street addresses. The venues of their classes and meetings may be a living room, a park, or any other community space.

Free Schools for Troubled Teens

The schools are able to design programs to help the teens deal with the problems that they face. They deal with teenagers who have social and emotional problems that are reflected in their behavior. Their course programs are also designed to provide physical and spiritual guidance for this group of teens. Most of them are equipped to deal with teens that have ADD or ODD. These schools also operate rehabilitation programs that help the teens to become drug and alcohol free.

All free school teen classes are conducted away from all types annoying things which influence these troubled teens and they learn how to rely on themselves to become self-sufficient. There are many volunteer opportunities available like design work, outreach, fund-raising, special events, or technical support.

Free Schools for Troubled Teens
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Troubled Teens provides detailed information on Troubled Teens, Schools for Troubled Teens, Troubled Teens Programs, Camps for Troubled Teens and more. Troubled Teens is affiliated with Teenage Boot Camps.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Find Older Women Seeking Men - A Fast, Easy Method

You want to find older women seeking men. I can tell you an easy way to find out which mature women in your area are looking for men. Imagine walking out your front door and going to the mall. You see hundreds of attractive, older women. Above some of their heads you see a flashing sign that says "Seeking Men". Now, of course, this is not possible. But what is possible is finding out which of the women in your town or city are looking for a man like yourself.

One of the most explosive trends in online dating is the growth of men seeking out mature ladies for dates or sexual encounters. Perhaps the most common reason for this is the relatively low standards older women have compared to their younger counterparts. Indeed, many older ladies simply have one criteria: the man should be younger than them. Cougars are mature women who wish to seduce - or be seduced by - younger men. Hundreds of men each month are finding out that it is incredibly easy to find dates (or intimate encounters) with beautiful older ladies; a lot easier than arranging dates with younger women. As such, mature dating is booming!

So, here is the trick to finding older women seeking men in your neck of the woods. You will not find them on local dating sites or classified sites. These places are too closely tied to their location. In other words, their friends or family might see their personal ad or dating profile. What you need to do is join a big dating site; one with several million members. Many of these have free and paid communities. You only need a free account for now. Once you join, put in a search for your desired age-range in your area. This will show you hundreds, perhaps thousands, of profiles that feature older women in your town. Instant message those women who are online and you will begin to get responses almost immediately. This is a little known fact. Most mature women use these sites because they can remain discreet. Some of these ladies will be married, others will not wish to be seen dating or arranging sexual encounters!

Find Older Women Seeking Men - A Fast, Easy Method
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You can find older women seeking men for free here -------> Browse Older Women

(You will find 10 million people using this dating community)

You can get information about amature match if you like.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Finding a Legitimate Online Data Entry Job

There are a huge number of online data entry jobs available in the Internet. Unfortunately, not all of them are genuine and legitimate. In fact, there is now a growing misconception that online data entry jobs are purely scams, due to the many occurrences of fraud in this online industry. However, you should take note that this kind of work from home opportunity still exist. Finding one is just a matter of knowing where to look.

Before moving on to tips on finding legitimate sites, you should bear in mind that online data entry is a job, and not merely an income opportunity. You can not realistically expect to get hundreds of dollars a day, unless you work round the clock to get as much amount. This is true for most online jobs, so you probably know by now what you should expect.

Date entry today involves preparation of reports, correspondence, databases, records, lists, transcriptions, and correspondence for various industries, both online and offline. It can also mean submitting ads to major sites such as Yahoo or Google targeted to clients who are searching for the content. Companies usually pay through payment channels such as ClickBank or PayPal, and will cost you some money to join.

Finding a Legitimate Online Data Entry Job

If you are looking for online data entry jobs, you will most likely encounter the dilemma of paying sites to get you the job you want. It is true how most sites now require you to pay some sign up fees, making it difficult to recognize a legitimate online data entry site from a fraud-filled one. Your best shot at avoiding scams is to check with the BBB or the FTC for the legitimacy of the site you want to join. You can also look through consumer protection sites and anti-fraud sites widely available in the Internet. Better yet, try to join online forums and communities and learn from others who have tried different sites themselves. It is safest to go for data entry sites which offer money back guarantees just in case the unexpected happens.

There are a good number of online data entry jobs available in the Internet. However, there are just as much people who would like to do these jobs as well. Finding a legitimate site is then only half the story, the other half will depend largely on your own effort to market yourself and to draw potential clients to hire you. Make sure you have a competitive resume and cover letter that will set you one step ahead than all other applicants. It would help if you have previous experience, but the enthusiasm and dedication you present may sometimes be worth more than any resume.

There are more and more companies which are outsourcing data entry jobs. It may take some time and a lot of research to look for a legitimate online data entry job, but the potential rewards of finally landing in one will surely be worth every effort you exert now.

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Interested in earning money online through online data entry? We can help you get started now. Please visit Online Data Entry or Data Entry Jobs for more information.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Top 7 Benefits of Recycling

Recycling is a process - a series of activities, if you will, that includes: the collection and sorting of waste materials, the processing of these materials to produce brand new products, and the purchase and use of these new products by consumers.

Recycling is more optimized and efficient if we practice the three R's of waste management: reduce, reuse, recycle.

Reducing waste that otherwise get's carted off to the recycling centers or landfills is achieved through an intentional decrease in our purchases and consumption,composting of organic waste, and flat refusal to use disposable items like polystyrene and plastic bags. Reusing materials serve to lengthen a particular item's usage. Examples of this are: repurposing glass bottles into artistic lamp shades, giving your old cell phones to family or friends for reuse, and upcycling street trash bins into community swimming tubs.

Top 7 Benefits of Recycling

But, why recycle? Why go through all the trouble of recycling your garbage? How does recycling benefit us and the environment?

Let's review the benefits of recycling:

Recycling Helps Protect The Environment

Recycling sharply reduces the amount of waste that gets deposited in our landfills or burned in incinerator plants. Engineered landfills in most cities are designed to contain toxic chemicals leaking from decaying solid waste from reaching our water systems. But, for how long? Already, we're getting reports of dangerous chemicals contaminating water supplies in some cities. Burning solid waste for electricity may be efficient, but we pay the price in terms of increased carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.

Recycling Helps Conserve Limited Resources

To put this benefit in proper perspective, let's consider this statement from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: "By recycling over 1 million tons of steel in 2004, Pennsylvanians saved 1.3 million tons of iron ore, 718,000 tons of coal, and 62,000 tons of limestone. Through recycling newsprint, office paper and mixed paper, we saved nearly over 8.2 million trees."

Resources like oil and precious metals (gold, silver, bauxite, copper, etc.) are all finite resources that will be exhausted, sooner or later. Cell phone and computer manufacturers, like Dell and Apple, recognize the need for a steady supply of raw materials - most are active in buy-back programs to recycle materials from used products.

Recycling Promotes Energy Efficiency

Recycling is far more efficient, in terms of energy consumption, than producing something out of fresh raw material. Done on a nationwide scale, this could lead to significant reduction in our energy costs. The energy required to extract , process, and transport metal from a mine to a refinery is obviously much greater than what's required to recycle metal from used products - it costs more energy to manufacture a brand new aluminum can from fresh material than to make 20 cans out of recycled materials!

Recycling Helps Build A Strong Economy

Every cost-reduction, energy efficiency, materials conservation, and job generation benefit of recycling adds up to help build a strong economy for our country. Recycling, done on a country-wide scale, has a huge positive impact on the economy. There was dip in the price of recyclables last year when the financial crisis started, but it is testimony to the resiliency of this industry that prices are now back to pre-crisis levels - a recovery that's well ahead than most other industries. Jobs are being generated and city and town governments are enjoying huge savings in electricity, garbage collection, and landfilling costs.

Recycling Creates Jobs

Recycling generates more jobs than landfilling or incinerating waste. That's a benefit we can't lose sight of, in this time of recession and high unemployment rate. Let's consider the disposal of 10,000 tons of solid waste: burning it for electricity will create 1 job; collecting and dumping this on a landfill will create 6 jobs; processing the waste for recyling will generate 36 jobs!

Recycling Builds Community

People band together and build communities around common causes, issues, and advocacies. Recycling is no different. In many neighborhoods and cities across the country, we see concerned citizens working together in recycling initiatives, environment lobby groups, and free recycling groups. If you're new to recycling or environmental advocacy, go find a local group to work with. Staying the course is more fun and rewarding when you have other enthusiasts cheering you on.

Recycling Can Be Financially Rewarding

If you just want to make money to get by in these hard times or start a home business, recycling is a profitable option. It's relatively easy and inexpensive to start a home-based recycling business. You just need to plan on what material (cell phone, paper, or metals, etc.) you intend to collect, plan storage, contact the recycling plant for pricing, and you're set to start collecting recyclables and reselling these to the recycling facility at a decent profit. The large recycling giants in the US all started as home businesses years ago - you can do it, too - those guys just recognized the huge potential of this business well ahead of the crowd.

The benefits of recycling to each of us, to society, and to the environment are our compelling reasons why we recycle. For many of us, recycling has become second nature - a way of life. It's a small but extremely vital component of environmental protection - without recycling, all our efforts to protect the planet will be less effective, even futile. Let's all continue recycling.

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Michael Arms contributes articles on recycling and other topics to the Pacebutler Recycling and Environment blog. Pacebutler is a cell phone recycling and trading company in the United States. You can sell, donate, or recycle cell phones through Pacebutler.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Helpful Book Report Example

Have you been assigned a book report that is left to a bit confused and frustrated about how one where to begin? Perhaps seeing a book report example would be just the ticket to help you get up and running. Well, instead of quitting and tossing the book, the notebook, the PC across the room, take a look at some examples, book report examples:


One tried-and-true method of learning is imitation. I don't mean COPYING (which is not too ethical and will usually get you get you in hot water...cause somebody always catches on). What I'm talking about is how someone else performed the task. The techniques and styles that worked best. Things such as length, first or third person narrative and other such distinctions. Here's a few folks that I think if you go to for the help you need:

A Helpful Book Report Example

The first place to start is with the instructor that assigned the book report, or a teacher you consider a mentor.

Ask friends, parents, or your brothers and sisters who have already done the assignment and knows what it takes. But remember, never, ever copy someone else's work.

Ask a librarian for book report examples, perhaps how-to books would be beneficial. Be sure to distinguish between the report and the review for whomever you ask.


These are some other pieces where book report examples can be had:

How to Write Terrific Book Reports, by Elizabeth James - A Student Survival Guide, this book spells out a clear definition/description of a book report, a chapter on how to decide which book to read, a chapter on using library resources, and many more chapters on how to get the most out of the book to the inland. Other discussions include how to get organized, writing drafts, and even doing oral reports. This book also has four pages of sample book reports which are incredibly helpful because they give concrete example of effective book reports.

How to Write Book Reports, by Dawn B. Sova and Harry Teitelbaum - a step-by-step book on authoring reports, identifying the distinctions between reports and reviews, qualifications of reviewers, note-taking for reports, and many more easy to follow guidelines. This book also contains several sample reports and reviews.


The very same way you would for any type of school assignment you may have, when you are accessing book report examples on the internet, carefully review the sites to make sure that they're up to snuff, affective sites. That is, avoid the wacko pages or sites that are hostile, that use illegal methods, or that are just weak, inferior, or useless to you. (A number of guides on how to find credible sources online are available through your library, your school, and online.) You know that went from a good one when you see them, but just the same here are some of the keepers: - has a special section called "Reading Matters." -has a section with teen reviews (which as of this writing numbered 622 book reviews). - offers a recommended book of the month (and rational for the recommendation), as well as a whole bevy of book reviews.

More than that, you can find a form for an Example Reading Report at -- which will give you a point by point checklist of things that should be included in your book report.

Whichever way you decide to go, remember to be your own reporter in the end shall go with something that you care about, the book that elicits passion... threw out the process of reading and writing. That is, squeeze as much fun as you possibly can out of it since you have to do the assignment anyway.

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Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning books. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting book report example []

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